The Wonderful Time with the Dalmatians

387 points

The Dalmatians constitute a breed of dog whose main characteristic is its white fur with black or brown spots. At birth, Dalmatian pups lack spots, which appear throughout their body during the first year of life.

It is a breed of dog that requires activity and energy. Although he has a reputation as a rebel dog, he has a great capacity for adaptation and learning. It is advisable to educate the Dalmatian firmly from a young age.

The Dalmatians constitute a breed of dog whose main characteristic is its white fur with black or brown spots. At birth, Dalmatian pups lack spots, which appear throughout their body during the first year of life.

It is a breed of dog that requires activity and energy. Although he has a reputation as a rebel dog, he has a great capacity for adaptation and learning. It is advisable to educate the Dalmatian firmly from a young age.

The Dalmatian is a family dog. Does not carry loneliness or lack of attention. He is a very good companion of children and is very intelligent.

Character – Coexistence – Behavior – Education:

Due to its history as dogs to accompany carriages, it is a breed that requires activity and exercise. They are fast runners with great resistance. In rural settings, if they are left at ease, they are likely to take long walks and return after several days. 

The Dalmatian is stubborn, independent, friendly and clown. Despite the reputation of a rebel, this is a dog with a great capacity for adaptation and learning. As a child you have to educate him firmly as it is easy to take bad habits and then it is difficult to correct them. He likes to run, jump, play and feel the presence and affection of the owners.

Loneliness or lack of attention depresses them to the degree of dementia. An indication of this is to bite the legs, creating serious injuries; and / or compulsively dig.

Their energetic and playful nature makes them excellent companions for children, of whom they resist a rather rough treatment. However, it is essential that the specimen is correctly socialized and trained in the treatment of children, and children are shown the correct way to play with the animal; 

They get bored easily, constant encouragement, use of prizes, and the establishment of a correct pack hierarchy are required, techniques that are usually only available to experienced trainers. 

It is the sixth most intelligent dog breed, after the German Shepherd, the Poodle and the Border Collie.

His sociability with other creatures besides humans leans more towards horses.

Contrary to the other dogs, – among the people at his disposal – the Dalmatian chooses his own master. The attention he dedicates to studying and knowing each person is visible and he has great ability to recognize people, he hardly forgets a face.

He almost never barks. Only when it is really necessary.

They constantly keep moving their hair unlike the other races that only do it once a year.

Care and Health:

The maintenance of the Dalmatian is not complicated, just brush it regularly and take it out for a walk every day so you can burn all its almost inexhaustible energy.

Because of their weak immunity system, they are the most prone to diseases, and the least resistant as well.

The Dalmatian has a serious inherited problem of deafness. In the United States it is estimated that 30% of puppies will be deaf of at least one ear. Even in litters where neither parent is deaf, puppies can be born that are. At five weeks of age it is already known whether he can hear perfectly or not.

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