The Doberman is an ideal dog to have in houses with gardens or places with extensions of field. It is a fairly current breed, whose creation dates back to the end of the 19th century. Much has been said about the character, behavior and behavior of the Doberman, however, experts recommend that this breed be trained as a puppy to avoid imbalances or problems.

The males measure about 60 cm and weigh about 32 kg, while the females are somewhat smaller.
The Doberman has an elongated and slender head and a muscular body. Their ears are usually cut so that they remain erect, and the tail is usually amputated so that it is short.
He has short, straight and shiny hair that is black, dark red, blue or fawn with rust-colored markings on the face, body and tail. The change of this dog, which requires very little grooming, is average. Dobermans live approximately 10 to 12 years.
Dobermans are considered attentive, affectionate and sweet dogs with people, provided they socialize and train properly. They are loyal to their owners and get along with children if they grow up together; However, some Doberman stick only to one person.
Dobermans are strong and energetic dogs that need to exercise a lot. If they do not practice it, they are more likely to become irritable or even aggressive. They can adapt well to life on a floor if they practice daily exercise.
Careful socialization and obedience training from a young age are essential for this breed. Dobermans respond very well to positive reinforcement.
No special protection training is needed for anyone who wants a good family protector. In fact, experts in Doberman often advise against training in protection, as it could lead to overprotection and aggression.
This dog with a muscular body and elegant appearance has a very pleasant temperament. Loyal, intelligent and with a strong protective instinct, the Doberman is one of the most obedient races with a great ability to learn and absorb commands. In addition, it is also very resistant and fast. It is no accident that this dog adapts perfectly to search and rescue work, police and military service.

Doberman barks a lot?
In general, the Doberman is a very calm dog and barks only when necessary. If you notice something strange, it will alert your guardian of how good you are as a watchdog.
But if stressed or without energy, the Doberman can adopt a different posture and make a lot of noise to compensate and get the attention of the family.
Is the race destructive?
Can be. An energetic and active dog, the Doberman needs a lot of physical activity to maintain his physical and mental health. When you don’t spend all your energy, this dog can get frustrated and, therefore, be destructive.
The doberman is agitated?
If this breed is energetic, it learns everything very easily and often needs to be stimulated to feel challenged. In addition, it is a dog that needs many daily physical activities. In fact, if the Doberman stays too quiet, it is important to find a veterinarian.